Learn how to use EFT to
empower your clients and yourself





Ready to teach your clients an easy technique to manage their stress and anxiety right from their first session?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offer a powerful way to release trauma from the mind and body.

A flexible and effective tool, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can be used for your clients, your own self-care, family, friends, and in group sessions. It’s a valuable method to use in counselling, professional coaching, and everyday life.

EFT helps unlock trauma held in the body and relaxes the fight or flight system around the trauma. Bringing EFT into your practice helps you get results with even the most difficult of cases, such as alleviating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

My EFT Tapping training is provided in a supportive, inclusive, and safe environment. By keeping my classes small, you’ll experience high-quality learning.

“This training was thorough, great explanations, practice times and it was fun.

I chose this training because the price and certification are achievable and understandable. It’s ACA approved. Ongoing mentoring is free, and practice days are financially achievable. Small group.

The training was practical, knowledgeable, experienced, personable
non-judgmental and supportive. It was simple to follow and learn, thorough, through to the more advanced.”

Rachel, Counsellor


Hi, I’m Khadine!

I’m an Accredited Social Worker, Advanced EFT Practitioner, and Advanced EFT Trainer.

I’ve lived with chronic health conditions and complex PTSD, so I understand how stressful, exhausting, and difficult the healing process can be. My journey to becoming an EFT Practitioner started with my own healing journey.

I’ve used EFT Tapping for anxiety, pain, improving my relationships, managing my emotions, reducing food cravings, and so much more. It was one of the few things that actively helped with my trauma. EFT Tapping has transformed my life and that's why I'm so passionate about it.

I take a holistic approach and combine my education as a social worker, natural therapies knowledge, and 8 years of experience as an EFT Practitioner. I want to help you enable your clients to break through their past and present pain. Supporting others to transform their own lives brings me so much joy. This is why I’m dedicated to teaching EFT Tapping and using it in individual client sessions.

I've also supported EFT Tapping trainers from overseas.

I look forward to sharing this powerful modality with you and supporting you on your journey to becoming an EFT Practitioner and beyond.

I hope to see you in the trainings.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Khadine Aharon

Accredited Social Worker, Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer

"I chose this EFT training, as I love helping women heal and move forward. I enjoyed practising the techniques and the healing benefits I received. I would most definitely recommend this training to others.”

Joanne Lenehan,
Spiritual Mentor and Mindset Coach


Embrace Empowerment provides a premium learning experience. Participating in EFT Tapping Training with us means you’ll:

  • be guided by highly experienced EFT Practitioners - during live online or in-person training
  • learn techniques you can apply straight away
  • become skilled in a holistic stress reduction tool to transform the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of your clients and yourself
  • be in a small class size - enabling individual attention, more interaction, and a high quality of learning and teaching
  • learn via demonstrations live within the group - not pre-recorded
  • receive ongoing support and mentoring
  • receive a flexible learning experience. You can choose to attend the training for your own personal or professional development, become an EFT Practitioner or an Advanced EFT practitioner.
  • you can choose to attend the training in blocks or spread each level out.


There are 3 steps to becoming a Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner:

  1. Attend Level 1 Training
  2. Attend Level 2 Training
  3. Complete and pass the assessments

* EFT Practitioner Certification means you’ll be able to join the International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT) and secure insurance as an EFT Practitioner.

EFT Tapping Levels 1 and 2 are two days each. You can attend the full four days of training consecutively or you can attend Level 1 and 2 separately.

Steps to becoming an Advanced EFT Practitioner

1. Complete EFT Practitioner Certification and pass assessments.

2. Attend Level 3 - Advanced EFT Practitioner Training.

3. Complete and pass Level 3 Advanced EFT assessments.

All assessments are practical-based. There are no exams.

All EFT courses are approved by the IICT.

Social workers who are members of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) can get 33 CPD hours for attending the EFT Tapping Level 1 & 2 training. If assessments are completed, the CPD total is 71.5 hours.

Members of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) can get the same CPD hours as social workers above.

Counsellors who are members of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) will receive a total of 20 OPD points for completing EFT Levels 1 and 2 (10 OPD points for each level).

* To attend Level 3, you must have completed Levels 1 and 2 training - however, it’s not essential to have completed the assessments for Level 1 and 2.  For Advanced EFT Practitioner Certification, all assessments for Levels 1, 2 and 3 need to be completed and passed.


  • Pre-attendance training, covering EFT theory before you attend the training.
  • Free access to online group monthly mentoring, consisting of 1.5 hours per month. (18 hours per year) Valued at $1,350. Once your assessments are completed, you still have ongoing access to this mentoring.
  • Depending on your professional association, you may be able to claim the mentoring time as CPD/OPD.
  • Access to the student Facebook group to ask me questions at any time.
  • Full colour, hard copy manuals to refer back to whenever you need.
  • Student practice days for you to develop your new EFT Tapping skills with other students. (For an additional $50 per 5-hour practice day).


Suitable for beginners, Level 1 covers the basics of EFT Tapping. This course enables you to use simple EFT Tapping with your clients and on yourself.

It includes techniques to assist with reducing uncomfortable emotions and physical discomfort, lowering stress and anxiety, and managing cravings.

Level 1 EFT Tapping is interactive and you’ll have plenty of time to practice with other participants.



  • What is EFT Tapping?
  • Why and how does EFT work?
  • The tapping points
  • Ways to overcome blocks to progress
  • An overview of the standard EFT procedure
  • EFT for physical issues, pain, or discomfort
  • Important points for applying EFT successfully
  • EFT for cravings
  • EFT for anxiety
  • Ways to find core issues
  • Testing the results

Level 1 - Training Format

Level 1 training is held over two consecutive days (plus online pre-attendance learning). A reliable internet connection is required if attending online.

"I did an EFT training previously with Khadine in Perth in 2019 and can recommend attending more than one training workshop. This training gave me the opportunity to consolidate the various techniques, and meet interesting people. I enjoyed the enthusiasm of Khadine’s delivery. EFT is a great and very effective additional skill to have.”

Evelyn Heitzmann, Social Worker, Gestalt Therapist


Covering more advanced techniques, Level 2 is trauma-focused. You’ll learn techniques for managing emotions, anxiety, physical discomfort, trauma, PTSD, phobias, shifting beliefs, working in groups, and more.

Level 2 EFT Tapping is interactive and you’ll have plenty of time to practice with other participants.


  • How to address what’s holding clients back from achieving their goals
  • Additional tapping points
  • Advanced trauma techniques
  • Ways to find core issues
  • How to address physical issues
  • How to conduct EFT Tapping sessions online and via telephone
  • Best ways to work in groups – borrowed benefits explained
  • What to do if you can’t use EFT - for example, working with clients who experience sensory sensitivity, a migraine or a client with a facial injury
  • Working with phobias
  • How to shift belief systems

Level 2 - Training Format

Level 2 training is held over two consecutive days (plus online pre-attendance learning). A reliable internet connection is required if attending online.

Investment for EFT Levels 1 and 2

EFT Level 1 Training


2 days

Price after early bird $797


EFT Level 2 Training


2 days

Price after early bird $797


EFT Levels 1 & 2 Training


4 days

Price after early bird $1,497


Early bird pricing is available until 3 weeks prior to the first day of training.

"I loved how the content was taught, each topic building on the next. The group interaction was great as was the mix of theory and practice.

The information in this training was thoroughly covered at a good pace. We had plenty of time to practice and interact with each other and Khadine provided good, constructive feedback, which helped us develop our skills. There was plenty of time for questions and to make sure that we all understood the material and were comfortable with it.”

Tanya Wasylewski, Astrologer


In EFT Tapping Level 3, we expand on your knowledge and skills from Levels 1 and 2. We’ll begin to work creatively as well as multi-dimensionally with clients and ourselves.


  • Skills for working with clients
  • Practitioner self-care techniques
  • Exploring what clients want
  • A deeper understanding of psychological reversal
  • Techniques for exploring aspects of issues and challenges
  • More techniques for working with trauma and uncomfortable emotions
  • Working with health conditions with a focus on allergies
  • Energy retrieval and removal
  • Working with metaphors
  • Working with the inner child
  • Multi-dimensional EFT Tapping
  • Ho’oponopono and EFT
  • Working with inner conflict

And much more…

Level 3 - Training Format

Level 3 training is held over three consecutive days (plus online pre-attendance learning). A reliable internet connection is required if attending online.

Investment for EFT Level 3

EFT Level 3 Training


3 days

Price after early bird $1,197


EFT Levels 1, 2 & 3 Training


7 days total

Price after early bird $2,697


Early bird pricing is available until 3 weeks prior to the first day of training.


Level 1

10-11 August (Saturday & Sunday) LIVE ONLINE

21 - 22 September (Saturday & Sunday) BRISBANE

19 - 20 October (Saturday & Sunday) WOLLONGONG

7-8 November (Thursday & Friday) LIVE ONLINE

Level 2 

12-13 August (Monday & Tuesday) LIVE ONLINE

23 - 24 September (Monday & Tuesday) BRISBANE

21 - 22 October (Monday & Tuesday) WOLLONGONG

9-10 November (Saturday & Sunday) LIVE ONLINE

Level 3 

5-7 July (Friday - Sunday) LIVE ONLINE

17 - 19 January(Friday - Sunday) LIVE ONLINE



This training is approved by the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT). The IICT is recognised in 35+ countries.


Embrace Empowerment’s EFT Tapping Training is the only EFT training endorsed by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA).


Here are some of the most commonly asked questions.

I appreciated the tapping and sharing feelings and insights. The tapping in the demonstrations was great, and I especially enjoyed the tapping in the breakout rooms. This training is based on a simple, down-to-earth and practical approach, which really helps people improve their lives in ways that are realistic, practical, and measurable. The techniques taught are powerfully life changing and the way they are shared is efficient and effective for everyone on the course.”

Andrew Peter Lewis, Creator of Spiritual Tapping


Would you like an EFT Tapping training presented within your organisation or your private group?

Contact me for more information about empowering your staff with EFT.

Phone: 1300 037 778

Email:   [email protected]